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Tag Archives: Wikipedia

The Exiled Realm of Arborea

The Exiled Realm of Arborea (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Sometimes I hate being an MMO addict.

I’ve played WoW for almost 7 years now.  Of course I’ve had my fair share of times where I took breaks from the game, but I would always get a hankering to play again.  This time around, it’s nowhere near as strong as it used to be.

I tried other MMOs over the years.  Played EVE Online, The Old Republic, Guild Wars (this was my gateway drug into MMOs, and I played it so much I burned out four months after release and couldn’t play it again), Lord of the Rings Online, RIFT, and some others that I can’t think of right now.  Aside from EVE (which just got boring after a while), all of the rest of them played the same way and began to look very very similar.

As some of you may know, though, Tera recently came out.  I began eyeing it a week ago just before release; it seems like the answer to my drought.  A new, refined combat system that’s different than other MMOs would be right up my alley.  Alas, though, I’m going to have to wait for a paycheck or two to get it, but I’m kind of afraid to.  The last MMO I bought was The Old Republic; don’t get me wrong, I liked it well enough, but when it came down to it the gameplay just didn’t stand out enough to keep me playing.  The story was good…but there were enough lull spots that I lost interest.  And I hate investing money into an MMO that I’m not going to play for long.  I did the same thing with Rift.

From looking at the world, graphics, and whatnot, it’s hard for me to decide if I would like Tera that much.  Sure, a change of gameplay will be refreshing, but that’s not the only thing that keeps me hooked.  The storyline and plot have to be intriguing, and the game has to show a lot of polish.  And so far, Tera looks like someone took Rift and Aion and smashed them together.  I don’t even know what the story’s like.

Then, there’s Guild Wars 2 on the horizon.  I’m really excited about it, but I don’t want the same thing that happened to me in the first one happen again in the second.  It wasn’t all my fault I burned out like I did.  There just wasn’t enough content to keep me entertained, so I had to make alts or redo missions several times, and all of the repetitiveness got to me.

Oh, the fate of an MMO gamer.  Decisions, decisions.


EDIT: Yeah…….I broke down and bought it on my way home from work.  I’ll write something about it in the coming days.

A joystick controller for the Atari 2600 video...

A joystick controller for the Atari 2600 video game system. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I just realized that I started a brand-spankin’-new blog and didn’t even try to tell what my intent is.

My intent is simple: I want to talk about the game industry every week.

No fuss, no muss.  I want to hear from you (if anyone even reads this >.>).  I want…candy.

Sweet, sweet candy.

But I digress.  I believe video games are a creative outlet, and should be discussed as such.  So please, join me whenever you can.  Bookmark me, tweet me, comment me, whatever; let me know if you like, dislike, etc.  I will try to make a post every week about what I feel is the biggest topic of that week, and I’m definitely open to suggestions as well.

Anywho, This is the Professional n00b signing off.